My grand mother turned to be 88yo last year.And we call it “米寿~beijyu~”.I guess in English It could be”88 th birthday”?or something like “celebrate her 88 b-day”?
Hmmm in English It doesn sound like something special tho….
米 means RICE and 寿 means like happiness or best wishes or something like that. But why its 88=米? Look st this kanji 米。米 is made of two kanji “八八=88”
so….as 88th b-day,its called 米寿.
Now I’m gettin confuzing that I could explain in right way but
WE CELEBRATE FOR someone’s 88TH B-DAY in japan
So I went to my grandma’ place with my mom in somewhere Tokyo to take her photos.Like i said she is 88yo now but she is still living by her self.We already asked her to live together manytimes but she doen’t want to haha…. She can’t live with someone else, and just don’t want to be said something like what to do by someone else. JUST LIKE ME.Thx for this good or bad genetics!that make pepole think I’m unfriendly and anti-social haha….
for this 88th b-day, we wear kinda yellow kimono and hat.Actually I didn’t even know this.But this is the point that I went to see her to take pictures.
This is my grandma
she got very lovely smile
and another beautifull pic
mom and daughter~親子~
When I meet my family, I always think how many times I can see them more?how many times we can spend time more?especially after 311 big earthquake….. even if we live in the same country I feel unsafe or unsure.
So I have to appreciate more giving me this moment and chance.
Hope all your family are happy where ever they are.
oh and I got order from my mom to take her pic for her funeral in future lol.but mom….you seem like spending your life untill 100yo so you not going to use this pic…..too young for your funeral…..I will use your 88th b-day pic for that.
well Let’s talk bout music next time…