kenichi kono (en)

My name is kenichi kono.I’m originally from yokohama JAPAN and now living in SHINJUKU.I I’ve never lived in other counties,only been to the states for a couple of times.

drummer/DJ/web magazine director and writter/event organizer

There are so many cool artists and street scene in Tokyo.They’ve got good qualities and strong vibes but not on media that much.

So I decided to show our cultures,music,scene, what ever comes up through this blog and want pepole to know what’s goin on here in Japan in my poor english skills.I will try to post em once a week or more.

TRUST ME.ALL ARTISTS IN THIS BLOG are REAL.I hope they are focused more and if you live in Japan, please change your weekend plan sometime and see new stuff and have new experience.thank you! and


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The other night, me and my friends  went to IZAKAYA(japanese restaurant)called “AWA ODORI”.AWA ODORI is traditional Japanese dance from TOKUSHIMA.

me with tattoos and other friends were mohawk hair and dread hair and australian girl…weird combination and very sticked out in restaurant…hahaha…

“AWA ODORI(泡踊り)is held from 12 to 15 August as part of the Obon festival in Tokushima Prefecture on Shikoku in Japan. Awa Odori is the largest dance festival in Japan, attracting over 1.3 million tourists every year.”by wikipedia

This AWA ODORI music is very tribal and storng by Drums and some metalic sounds.

And In this restaurant, They dance around while we are having dinner and drink. But actually we all are interested in this dance show and no time eat and drink,In the end,they give us the practice how to dance AWA ODORI and we all dance around together and was so much fun! more than I thought! I’m a very shy guy but even only after one drink I joined with them dance together.

And female dancers are very beautifull with costume and even they dance of man’s part with very high-spirited and cheerful vibes with bouncy voice.

If you have any chance to go to GINZA,SHINBASHI area, I recommend this IZAKAYA”AWA ODORI”.Almost they have 2shows every nights at 1930 and 2130.And price isn’t bad.Each person bout 3000yen to 4000yen?and must be good for the tourist.

oh anyway they chose best dancers and my Australian friend was chosen and got some prize.

Now she and her boy friend want to join with this AWA ODORI fun.